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The region’s Oil & Gas industry has seen spectacular growth over recent decades. UTS is proud to have played a key role in the industry since the 1970s, putting the region firmly on the global stage.
Hoover Tanks mounted with Site Glass Level Gauge
Hoover Tanks with Liquiframes™ - IBC Frames
Hoover Tanks
Stainless Steel ISO Tank Containers
IBC Containment Basins
Tuff Tank IBC/ Caged Polyethylene IBC
We are combining a broad spectrum of services to help organizations work better.
Catering world class engineered products & specialized services.
Providing outstanding HVAC products and services to the MENA Region
Environmental friendly solutions for water management systems.
Full range of safe, dependable Nuclear products and services.
Deliver essential & sustainable support services for business residential, and industrial complexes.
An autonomous transportation strategy for driverless transit.